Thursday, April 30, 2009

swine flu going to make me smell

Last Friday, no one heard of swine flu. By Monday, the whole world was in a semi-panic. Swine flu reported from Mexico to Europe and Asia. Its like the flu got on their cell phones and decided to call each other and say its time to attack the humans.

You want to be scared? Look up Swine flu on Wikipedia. Look at the dates. How in the world does this flu know when to get stronger. 1918-1956-1967-1976....2009 would fit right in the trend.

Well, I didn't take a shower today. Just in case things are not as safe as the officials has been telling us. I'm staying away from showers and fitness centers filled with people.

The choice is either smell bad or get sick. I don't mind smelling bad.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Asian and their Peepee Insecurity

I went into the Safeway bathroom to pee. Immediately after I'm standing at the urinal, a Asian Man comes in. There is only 2 urinals. He goes to the other urinal and stands with his back completely, to me! I've never seen anything like it! He is literally on the side of the urinal instead of infront. Why are Asian men so insecure with their peepees???

I understand our weiner is tad on the small side relative to other races. But we are men. We really don't care. Besides, I'm Asian too!

I can understand maybe a little side angle to me. But this guy has his back completely to me!

I'm not sure what department he works in, but he's got his Safeway hat and gear on. Most likely in the Deli department. Safeway all have an Asian food deli section now.

New Found Respect for Fat people

One time in LA fitness, I stripped to my underwear and headed for the showers. At the same time, a huge black man heads for the shower right in front me! He is like 6'5" and at least 250 lbs and NAKED. Are you freaken serious! I have to walk behind him?

I feel like a freaken ant behind him. He's strolling in all his freedom without a care in the world. He was a freak of a physical specimen. Muscles everywhere and not an ounce of fat. And I have to walk behind this! Geezez.

One thing about Fitness clubs is, you can't hide your physical physic. You wear very little clothing and most of it is tight fitting. You don't get to wear a mumu to hide your fatness.

Surprisingly, everytime I go into a LA fitness, I'll see someone who weighs around 400 lbs. I"ve never been a woman, but these 400 lb women running around with other women with perfect bodies must be a immense mental challenge.

I have to give some kudos for these fat people, having the courage goto a fitness center. It can't be the most comfortable place they choose to be.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More on my strolling

So I never finished writing about my stroll in Seattle on Saturday.

Its dusk and I've walked down Jackson lost in the masses of Sounder fans, Hoodlums, and workers scurring to get home. I turned on 4th to head up to DT Seattle.

As I walked up 4th, I wanted to cross the street to rest at the park. Then I noticed a drunk Indian woman spawled out on the sidewalk throwing things around. So here I have the option, ---cross the street because it just gave me the walk sign. Or continue on this side of the street and walk past a crazy drunk woman. I think you can guess which pass I took.

So as I'm walking toward this crazy mess of a woman, all of sudden, a Drunk white guy staggers out of the bar. He almost ran into the street. He turns around and is smack face to face with me. He give out a hefty greeting to me. (I can't remember what he says) And he raises his hand to give me a high five. Ok, why not, I enthusistiacally give him a high five.

Well, he was too drunk and our hands missed competely! lol Now he opens his arms wide and want to give me a hug. Oh, why not and I gave him a hug. And I then walked past him to go witness the car wreck of a drunk woman on a sidewalk throwing things around.

Nothing new to report here about her, just a typical drunk on sidewalk. We all seen it.

Around 8:15 pm, I finally got to the Pike Market. Its pretty much a scene of empty stalls, workers hosing and cleaning bins, and lost tourists. A guy with a sleeping bag takes a double look at me and offers me his sleeping bag for $2. He says he's only used it once. So in the middle of the sidewalk with tourists walking around us, he unrolls his sleeping bag and gives me his best sales pitch. He wants $2. Oh what the hell. I bought the sleeping bag.

What the hell am I going to do with a sleeping bag? There is no way in hell I'm going to use it. The guy had a typical homeless ranky smell. Who knows what else the bag has absorbed from this man! So here I am, walking down Pike Market really really looking homeless with a sleeping bag in tow! lol

Well, good thing, not too far, I come accross the row of Indians sitting in a row. There is one thing I always thought was odd about the Indians at Pike Market. The Pike Market Park is basically the Native Americans local bar. And for some reason, they always sit in a row. Its like its a unwritten rule for them! No sitting face to face. You all must sit in a row. And it's got to be at least 10 deep.

Next time you go there, check it out. Native Americans, sitting in a row at least 10 deep. Well, they thought I was a Native because of my long hair and facial hair. Well, I just called out who wants a sleeping bag and that was that. Bag given away.

So in a matter of 10 minutes I bought something I don't want and gave it away. Felt pretty good

Well, the guy who took my sleeping bag was so grateful, he gave me a cross he made from string. Its pretty nice. Its Red.

I should start putting up picture of things I blog about.

That's the beauty about being homeless and looking pretty fierce. I can anywhere and do anything. I can hug a drunk guy. A Man in a suit giving a drunk guy a hug?...may be frowned upon. A man in a suit may have a walk-in closet and tub to soak in...but I got the freedom to whatever I want.

This blog is really for one person

Ok, I guess I'm going to rant a little about bloggers and blogging

The truth about most blogs one cares about your blog! You have to be insane to think "Oh, my life is so interesting, people will want to read it!" Sorry buddy. Everything thinks their life is interesting. The other problem is, the people who would have a interest in reading blogs, well .................are too busy typing their own blog.

(we talking most general blogs. here)

Us humans seem to have this need to have our opinions heard. To know we are revelavant somehow. To tel the world, Hey! I'm alive. Its a weird combination of our ego, pride, a need to create...mainly its just ego.

For me, I have al those shallow human needs stated above but also another reason. Personally, the less people reading this..the better.

Someday, my son will wonder who his father is. I"m not going to convince him who I am. I'll just let him read my sillly stories and let him judge.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The living Dead

Last night, I went to Seattle. I almost turned around. What is there in Seattle I haven't seen? Well, I had nothing better to do so why not.

I parked my Van just East of Little Saigon. And at 7:30 pm starting walking toward the Pike Market. At this time, its Dusk. Thousands of people and families were headed to Qwest field for a Sounders game. They wore green and carried merry makers. They were a true view of what life should be about. Family/friends spending time together. Experiencing life together. Good or Bad. The way it shoud be.

At dusk, Seattle's Chinatown is like straight out of a Zombie movie. As I walked through Little Saigon and Chinatown, Store keepers are scurring to pull down metal doors. Huge metal gates are pulled accross their store fronts. I walk past a young Asian man as he try to place a lock on these huge metal doors. He makes a quick glance at me A look of ...yes you are the reason I'm doing this.

Like a weird transformation, At dusk, The Asian people disappear in huge numbers. And then........, the homeless, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, the pimps that circle around, The Living Dead seem to Magically appear and retake Chinatown. Where they hide in the day.... sometimes it seems to be a mystery to me also.

Chinatown's tolerance of the illicit activity at night is question many have asked. I mean, these mainly drug addicts stand out like a sore thumb why Chinatown? Well, the answer is similar to where I throw away my trash. Everyday, after work, I go behind Ranch 99 and throw away my trash. There is always a few people hanging around back there. I'm sure partrons and workers have seen me illegally dump my trash into their dumpster. I'm sure they seen me, BUT no one has approached me and said anything. I don't know how to explain it, but there is a corrolation between my story and the reason why Chinatown is a haven for the Drug addicts.

Mistakes in the last entry

Ok, that last entry had a few mistakes.

It should be....."Phony as a 3 dollar bill"

Carrie Underwood

Ok, I'm starting to like Country Music and I really never thought it would about this way.

A few years ago, I was working at a Food Bank in Redmond and Carrie Underwood was a contestant on American Idol. The receptionist and the Energy Aid worker were as phony as a dollar bill. They both try to act like they care about the welfare of people but deep inside they were very bias on who they liked to show their care.

Well, both of them were loved and loved the contestant Carrie Underwood. Other contestants can sing just as well but Carrie is White, Country and Pretty. So there you go.

Well, that bothered me immensely. To the point, well, I was anti Carrie Underwood.

Years pass----Recently, I saw Carrie Underwood live back on American Idol with Randy Travis. I was pretty impressed. So I downloaded a few of her songs. I am now a Fan. I"ve even started listening to other Country songs.

"Jesus Take the Wheel"
"Home Sweet Home"
"So Small"
"I Told You So"

If you don't like country, check these 4 songs out by her.

Friday, April 24, 2009

More on getting Asian men to act right

Ok, so a continuation of my rant on how Asian Men act (Why Asian Women don't respect Asian Men)

3- Stop trying to have better hair then the women.
The Japanese Boys are real big offenders of this. If you spend as much time in a Salon to color and perm you hair as a woman...their is something wrong. Why are you trying to look
"cute" And the key word is "Boy" because you sure don't look manly.

4- Learn to give compliments
Blacks, White, Hispanics....they will verbally tell a woman if how well she looks today. When is the last time you heard a Asian Man say nice things to a woman in public? This Asian attitude of "too macho to say anything nice" is so weak. In fact, the Asian macho points to how insecure they really are.
I'm not talking about trying to pick up a woman or verbally sexual assault them. I'm talking about a simple. "You look nice today" "I like what you wear"

5- Enough with the smoking
I was walking in Downtown Seattle about a year ago. A homeless guy asks me for a cigarette. I wasn't smoking. I was just walking. So I asked him...Why do you think I would have a cigarette. And his reply..."Because you are Asian" And we had a good laugh over that. lol

Its What happens when you find paradise.......

7:30 pm. I fell asleep and took a nap. Got to Safeway a little late. Well, there is me and 2 other men sitting here at Safeway. And guess what? Both of them are middle aged Asian men and both are staring at laptops also. The Chinese are taking over...even at Safeway!

And if you had to guess, between us 3 Asian guys, who is the homeles guy....I would be the least homeless looking guy.

Its either they are crowding my style or I'm not the Christopher Columbus of Safeway (Asian style).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Asian Men prefer White men

I don't know where I"m going with this subject but I figure it needs to be addressed. Basically, the core of the issue is that .....Asian women don't respect Asian men.
And to start and arguement, that's why Married Asian Couples have allot of arguements.

In reality, I don't blame them the Women. Asian men are kind of the ones to blame for this.

I have so much to whine about this subject..I'll be coming back frequently to add to it.

1- What's with the Collar Popping among the Asian men? You know, they stick their collar up on their shirts to look cool....and to hide our skinny necks. BUT IT DOESN'T LOOK COOL! In fact..the reverse affect happens. They look gay and desperate. I just want to laugh everytime I see a guy with a popped collar. LAME.

2- Too black or too White
At different stages of a Asian's person's life...we sometimes gravitate toward white music and ways. Then all of sudden we decide we like Black ways. Ok, so us Asians don't have much cultural identification to latch onto in US. We only have food.
But that doesn't mean to go over board! 2 examples.
a) Young ASian man at Ranch 99 with sideway hat and trying hard to walk with a pimp limp. Orders 2 pounds of roast pig and somehow the words of "Dog" "Cool" "Man" were spoken to the Chinese butcher who can barely understand English. At least I got a kick out of it.

b) Seattle Deli. A 30's Asian man gets his Sandwich and gets into a 1970's Mustang. He's got the slick back hair and must put on huge Sunglasses before driving. He's hoping his American classic car and Huge sunglasses will somehow magically give him coolness and hide the fact he is Asian and turn him white. All I know is, after 1 year, that picture of that guy is still stuck in my head. A sorry individual trying to be who he can't be.

I guess Basically, STOP TRYING TO ACT "ITS EMBARRASSING TO BE ASIAN". For Christ sakes, be a normal dressing and acting Human Being.

There is so much more to ad on this but I need to go eat and take a shower.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Can Democracy prevail in this test?

So I only get like 2.5 channels on my little TV. I was able to watch my favorite show last night, "American Idol". During a few commercial breaks, I was able to catch a few minute here and a minute there of some program on PBS. I'm not sure if it was Front Line or NOVA. It was a segment showcasing the lately prototypes of "Green" cars. I flipped over there a couple times and those couple times were very profound.

First time I caught a snippet----------- There are 800 million cars in the world. Lined up, it would circle the earth 100 times. The debate if their is Gobal Warming is over. The debate is how and when it will effect the earth.

Second Snippet I caught-------The auto industry will not switch over to greener technology. The decision to switch over to a greener technology will be up to the consumer or the government. Since the auto industry is reluctant to switch because of cost and profit and the oil would be up to a government to mandate something.

So this whole thing got me thinking of the bigger picture. Democracy, communism, facism...whatever type of government you successful it is depends on the economic power of the country.

My personally choice is Democracy. However, this crisis may showcase an example where democracy may not rise to the occasion!

All politicians, from the President down to your local councilman, make decisions based on money. It took President Obama over 1 billion dollars to get elected. The elected official must answer to the money and the people who gave those money to get him elected.

Will there be a President who is strong is enough to Mandate (a future date) a ban on all gasoline car? Millions of jobs will be transformed or lost. Gas stations industry will be lost. It would be a political disaster!!

However, our government does not mandage our ban on gasoline cars, the Earth will force it upon us. At some point, Climate Change will/maybe get so dangerous where it will force our hand to convert.

At that point, it would be too late.

A King . A person not elected and must answer to money..can make this decision. Well, I'm going to have to clairify. A Just and Wise King. Those are hard to find. Power corrupts.

So this is a great test of the United States. Democracy has been wonderful. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. But will a leader emerge that will be willing to make such a hard decision?

Some may argue that transforming America off gasoline engines will not help very much. The rest of the world will still smog up the air with gas cars. But If you invent it and build it, the rest of the world follow. Someone has to take the lead. And if we are the most powerful country in the world, we have to be the leader in this.

We had the Bronze Age, Industrial Age, The Information Age really leaped us exponantially in our standard of living.

The next Age will be the Transportation Age.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nothing to complain about

Well, this kind of sucks. I'm going to complain about there is nothing complain about. I"m a natural whiner. But there is really nothing to whine about right now. The weather is beautiful. I"m not waking up with frost on the window. I ate a big plate of Yakisoba today.

I bought a case of beer and the checkout lady demanded to see my ID. Nothing to complain about there.

I have long hair and facial hair. I look really fierce. Some middle aged woman with her son walks past me and smiles. YOu know, its one of those smiles not to say hi....its a smile to well.....I'll smile at that fierce looking homeless man and things will be ok. She's got the "be friendly to others and they will be friendly to you.....and please don't hurt me"

Well, a smile is a smile. I'll take it.

Oh, I do I have a complaint!!! My Hanes underwear has fooled me again. The Hanes underwear decided they want to be unique and put their label in the front instead of the back. What is wrong with them? Why can't they go with the flow and put the label on the back of he undewear.

It is now twice!!! That I've noticed I've got my underwear backwards and the opening side of my underwear is on my butt instead of the front!.

That's not very cute when you are walking around a Fitness Club after showering with the opening of your underwear on you butt side. A big no no.

Geezez, now everytime I put on my underwear I have to check to see if its the right way. Why does Hands have to screw with that?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Born into Brothels

Thank God for Netflix. I'm able to keep myself sane by watching movies constantly at Safeway. They have a watch online section but the movie titles are limited.

I started watching "Born into Brothels". I"ve only watched maybe half of it and I'm not sure if I'll finish watching it. Don't get me wrong. Its a good movie. But a documentary without a plot makes it hard to keep my attention.

The movie is about a photographer who befriends a group of children in the brothels of Calcutta India. She gives them cameras and teaches them how to use them. It as almost impossible for her to film in the red light district. So her solution was to use the children.

The result was some very real images of lives their lives.

For me, it kind of hits home, I have nothing to complain about. My situation is not desirable but there are much worse off people in the world.

Pretty much most of those children in the brothels will grow up to be a prostitute themsleves, or other illegal indevers. They have a dire situation. A tough climb out.

And unlike them, I have the option to fix who I am.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

well this sucks

I'm about to leave Safeway. Its 7:30 pm. But then I noticed the battery is almos dead on my laptop. I didn't push the plug all the way into the computer. So I've been running on battery. I guess I have to sit here for another hour. Sigh. I haven't ate anything today yet. Hungry. I was ready to get out of here and goto Burger King.

My home on wheels

It looks nice from the outside and the inside. But the engine really smokes bad when it first started. And I had a transmission shop check out the transmission. He told me to sell the van now while its worth something!!! He guesses I have maybe 10k more miles left on the van before it costs more to fix it than its worth right now.


not feeling well

2 days ago, I didn't eat dinner. The following day, I was too exhausted after work. I slept in my van. I did not have the energy to get to Safeway to use the internet.

Today, I'm very depressed.

No money. No love. No desire to even write about any complaints.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Physically strong, Mentally weak

About 2 weeks ago, it snowed like crazy. Then the very following day, it was like 70 degrees. Global warming, Climate Change, ...whatever you want to call it. Its happening.

Its been around 36 degrees when I wake up in the morning. Yesterday, I had the candle lit when i woke up. I could see my breath. If you can see your breath inside a van, I say its pretty chilly.

I don't mind the physical inconvenience of being homeless. When I was 15, I was so exhausted and found a secluded placed next to a railroad track. I was shivering so bad trying to fall asleep. The hard ground was not helping at all. Compared to the railroad tracks, my van is a oasis.

So now, I have a huge tolerance of pain. There's been many times, I've cut myself and would not realize it. It just feels like a itch until I see the blood.

The hard part of being homeless is the mental aspect. The loneliness. The boredom. I can't remember the last time I've had a conversation with someone besides Tran. Must be months now. Saying hello to customers at my job or ordering a coffee is hardly a conversation. I trully miss my son. It really hurts inside.

Last night I sobbed in my van before I went to sleep. I sittiing there dreaming how I"ve never had a home in my life. Of course I've lived in houses and apartments before in my life...But never a home.

I was dreaming how nice it would be, To wake up in the morning and have someone to say good morning to. To know you love someone and they love you. And then I couldn't keep the tears from falling.

The few years I lived with Kim and when Benjamin was born....I never felt loved. I do miss my son so much.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Watching people at Ranch 99

Today was a really cloudy day and some drizzle. Not much sun at all. I'm driving and I see a young man at a bus stop and he is wearing sunglasses. Really? Its that important to be cool to have the need to wear sunglasses with a sky full of clouds?

I don't own a pair of sunglasses.

Well, that normally would not warrant a blog but then this happened at Ranch 99 when I went to get some food.

I sat at the tables in the mini Food Court area (Food Court is really a major stretch but I have no idea how else to label it)...ok...a few tables they set up for you to eat.

Well, my seat allowed me to watch as people walk a 20 foot section as they approach the BBQ and hot food area. It gives me my entertainment for the day. Its amazing watching women walk. There is something really sensual he way women walk. NOt the crazy cat walk of models but normal everyday women strolling. They are just walking! And yet, how is it that something is placed in our men's brains that is attracted to it? Why are we not attracted to the way a horse walks or the stroll of a pig?

This Asian fella comes walking in with really dark sunglasses on. Really? You really feel he need to be cool so bad, you have to wear sunglasses inside a building and outside in raining weather?
Then of course, he's got his designer jeans and "wantabe" cool walk. He's got a major "Dork" all over him. And to top it all off, guess it! He's wearing a blue tooth in his ear and no one to talk to.

Cmon Asian people! Stop tring so hard to be cool.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Example I'm Not Normal

A couple days ago, I was siting in Safeway watching "The Bucket List" I enjoyed the movie all the way through. Toward the end, I was actually holding back tears. Here I am, siting in Safeway and almost crying! Not the best place to be showing tears.

Anyways, I loved the movie. Thought it was a good movie. So I went and checked on Yahoo movies about it and the critics gave it a "C"!!!! What? You have to be kidding.

Then I checked the Tomatoe website that reviews movies. And only 30% of the people thought it was a good movie! What?

Its the same ol saying again. Its either everyone in the world is crazy or I'm crazy. Its probably me.

Oh well.

Hot Water Solved

Washing your face in 40 degree water is not the most pleasant experience. I actually have a nice little coleman stove I can heat up water with. But its not the safest thing to run a stove inside a van. The van will smell of the fumes. And when your trying to be incomspicious, the light from the flames kind of give me away. So what to do ...what to do...

I went to Walmart and bought the best Thermo I can find. $21 bucks! But worth it. I went and filled up with hot water from a Chinese Resteraunt. Supposely, the thermo can hold heat for 24 hours. Not bad.

Tonight, instant coffee or a cup of ramen!

Don't take hot water for granted people.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does a Baby poop in the stomach?

So Tran had his first baby girl 6 days ago. He calls me up and is amazed that his daughter knows when it poops and pees and would cry! A baby seem to be oblivious to anything around them but seems to know why it poops or pees. And how come it would know to cry?

Which lead to the question...Does a baby poop when it was in the mother's stomach? Hmmmm. If it does poop in the stomach...gross!!!

If it doesn't poop in the stomach...How does it know its out and can now poop? And how does he/she know it is ok to poop now?

Wow, another mysterious miracle of life.

And for some reason its one of those mysterious in life that I don't want the answer to. Sometimes its better not to know the answer and just be mizmerized by life. Sort of like choosing not knowing how magicians do their thing. Cause he aura of wonderment is lost once you know.

My Bed

4 Inches of Foam and a Blanket on top of a 3/4 inch Plywood. For a guy with a litte aching back, it is very comfortable.

Sitting in Safeway

I've finally found the perfect place to hang out! It's not easy for a homeless man with a laptop to find a good place.

Starbucks- Not a good place for a homeless guy. I don't need super giddy baristas staring at me wondering why I have no life. But the wifi at Starbucks are really good and fast.

Mcdonalds- Not a bad place to hang out. The staff are usually Hispanic and don't mind seeing poor men and they are trained to be very corteous. However, Mcdonald's wifi really really suck! he average KB download is around 35. There is one Mcdonalds in Renton by the airport that is really super fast.

So where did I find my place to hang out???? Safeway!!! Yes Safeway.

The wifi is 100% free. No Boingo signup like Starbucks or Mcd's. And the speed is rediculously fast. It runs on like 400k download. I just signed up for Netflix today. And one of the options on Netflix is the ability to watch movies online. So I watched "Letters from Iwo Jima" The speed is so fast in Safeway, I was able to watch a movie with no slow down at all. Amazing!

And the other fantastic thing about Safeway?....They have cushioned benches! It may sound trivial but for me its a real blessing. No more aching butt from sitting in Mcdonalds or Starbucks! I love it!

So, you'll find me sitting at the Safeway in Burien from now on!